About Me

The color of the mountains is the Buddah’s body; the sound of the water is his great speech – Dogen

I grew up on and in Lake Michigan, then joined the Navy and spent my life near oceans.  Now I am “landlocked” in Maryland.  There is much wisdom in that quote.  May it be God, the Buddah, the Universe, etc….water is my life.  I cannot exist without water.

I also am on a journey to improve health and fitness in my family’s lives. I used to be in the US Navy. I used to be able to run like the wind. Then for some odd reason unknown to the doctors, I developed asthma in 2004. I could not run without coughing and coughing up blood. My doctors kept putting me on the wrong drugs, and kept insisting on steroids. That only made me fat and depressed even more.

For years I listened to that little voice in the back of my head that told me, “You can’t do that. You have asthma.” I stopped scuba diving. I stopped paddling. I stopped running. I basically put my life on pause. Then one day I had enough. I took control of my health and I made the decisions in the doctor’s office. I finally found a great asthma doc, who is also a runner.  I got on the right drugs for me. I started swimming again. I started paddling again. I started running a little more.  And then I ran a marathon in 2013!!!  I was not fast at all.  But I finished!!!

Changing your lifestyle and habits is not something that can be done overnight.  It takes time to get used to new things.  When medical issues, like asthma, get thrown in the mix, it can be even more difficult.  I started this blog not knowing what to do, but decided to use it more like a journal on my road to better health and fitness.  I fail on a weekly basis, but I do not give up.  I hope this is capturing some of that.

We became vegetarians in Feb 2013.  There is no turning back.  We’re all in for better health and fitness.  I’m still training for marathons and half marathons.  I am also a Stand Up Paddler and outrigger canoe racer.  Although I have not been on the water a lot lately due to the running schedules and my torn rotator,  I’m here if you need guidance, ideas, or just someone to talk to.

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